
The little things that bothers me.


Kategori: Shit that bothers me

Som tillägg på det inlägg jag precis skrev om 9gag vill vill jag berätta att mina vänner lugnt sa åt mig, när jag klagade på detta inför dem, att sluta gå in på sidan? Varför ska jag sluta gå in på sidan? Varför ska inte DOM sluta med sexistiska skämt? 


Kategori: Shit that bothers me

Today I visited a site called 9gag. Ever heard of it? There they make a lot of jokes about Justin Bieber, for instance. Saying stuff like "he's gay" or "he's a woman". Today it was about him being a GIRL.
So I ask you: is there anything wrong with being a girl? Am I a walking joke? Why are there never jokes about someone being a boy? Or for that matter, if it had been a joke about him being gay, is THAT wrong? Why not a joke about someone being straight?

The link to the picture I'm talking about: http://9gag.com/gag/aM1A9YG

How I Met Your Mother

Kategori: Stuff I wonder about

Do you think that if a girl would be doing what the character Barney Stinson is doing in this picture (he's at the Super Bowl holding up that placard in national TV) she'd be called a slut?


Kategori: Shit that bothers me

(This does not go for all men, but it goes for most of them)

"I'm not sayng that your wife is easy, but if she were a pin code she'd be 1234."
Why do people make jokes about women being easy to get in bed? Have you ever heard a joke about a man being easy? Would that "joke" above be funny if it were about a guy? Why is it okay for men to talk about sex and whistle at a hot woman walking by but when a woman expresses her sexuality by flirting or having sex she is easy? Why do men always say that they love big boobs but when they see one (on facebook parhaps) she is looked at as a slut or a whore who only wishes men to look at her boobs? Please explain this "logic".

Royally Fucked Up

Kategori: Shit that bothers me

Yep pretty much sums up how I feel about my blog

Kategori: Quotes

"At this point I have a request for our fans. If any of you in any way hate homosexuals, people of different color, or women, please do this one favor for us -- leave us alone! Don't come to our shows and don't buy our records." - Kurt Cobain from Nirvana

I just don't like it

Kategori: Shit that bothers me

actually i do not like the word "feminism." I think it should be obvious that we should have equal rights. Yes, a long time ago we needed that word, because women were extremely oppressed, but nowadays, it should not be needed at all. It had an expiration date and that date is now.

Feminint och Maskulint

Kategori: Stuff I wonder about

Tänk om feminint inte betydde kvinnligt och maskulint inte betydde manligt. Feminint kan helt enkelt vara det vi tänker att det är; rosa, mjukt, lätt och gulligt, utan att det är just kvinnligt. Maskulint kan vara stark, stor och hårdhudad, utan att det betyder manligt. Vi kan ha kvar våra definitioner av orden, men ta bort deras associerade kön. En kvinna kan vara stark och hårdhudad utan att det refererar till att hon är "som en man", hon är helt enkelt maskulin. En man kan vara mjuk och gullig utan att det betyder att han är kvinnlig, nej han är helt enkelt feminin. Jag föreslår inte att vi ska radera våra kön, men jag föreslår att vi ska sluta deffinera dom. Vad tror ni?

What's worse?

Kategori: Stuff I wonder about

It is hard to be black. We're still fighting racism.
And it's hard to be a woman, that's why we now have the word feminism.
Also, being gay is hard. At some places people still look down upon homosexuals kissing.
So what's worse?
Being black?
Being a woman?
Being gay?
Being a black, gay woman?

The Defintion Of The Word Gay

Kategori: Word-Definitions

"a person whose sexual desire or behavior is directed towards a person or persons of one's own sex; homosexual"

It is not an insult, not an invective, so to the people who use it as such: please stop with that immediately.

the definition of a slut

Kategori: Word-Definitions

"a woman with the same sex morals as a man"