
The little things that bothers me.


Kategori: Shit that bothers me

Som tillägg på det inlägg jag precis skrev om 9gag vill vill jag berätta att mina vänner lugnt sa åt mig, när jag klagade på detta inför dem, att sluta gå in på sidan? Varför ska jag sluta gå in på sidan? Varför ska inte DOM sluta med sexistiska skämt? 


Kategori: Shit that bothers me

Today I visited a site called 9gag. Ever heard of it? There they make a lot of jokes about Justin Bieber, for instance. Saying stuff like "he's gay" or "he's a woman". Today it was about him being a GIRL.
So I ask you: is there anything wrong with being a girl? Am I a walking joke? Why are there never jokes about someone being a boy? Or for that matter, if it had been a joke about him being gay, is THAT wrong? Why not a joke about someone being straight?

The link to the picture I'm talking about: http://9gag.com/gag/aM1A9YG